By this time while many of you reading this article in mobiles and tablets you will definitely find notifications popping up. Those notifications are merely the indications that we are…
Well being
“Addictions” | 8 best ways to get rid of unpopular and non-physical addictions |
by Salman Javidby Salman JavidHow to get rid of unpopular and non-physical addictions? They say “Addiction is living in a body that fights to survive but with a mind which tries to die”. Yes!…
Design Thinking is a trending subject in the business world today. In case you’re new to Design Thinking, you might be thinking about whether it’s something other than the most…
Well being
13 Ways to change yourself into a better person during this Pandemic
by Sanjeevby SanjeevThe need to change yourself into a better person : Have you attempted to change yourself into a better person during this Pandemic? If not, don’t worry you still have…
The advent of technology, computers, the internet, and phones should have made living easier but how did it make everyone’s lives very much engaged and busy? A happy meal with…
As I went to the supermarket, to buy groceries and stuff for that month, I found it difficult for me to stop myself from buying that extra packet of Maggie.…