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Top 8 Home Workout for chest to Build a Broad, Strong Upper Body.

Top 8 Home Workout for chest to Build a Broad, Strong Upper Body.












Building a broad, powerful chest is one way to fill out our t-shirt like a charm. The chest is one of the largest muscle groups of our upper body and the most attractive one of our torso. Having defined pecs will make you look more muscular and boost up the confidence in you. Today, we will look into the Top 10 exercises that will add some muscle to our chest. The exercises couple both bodyweight and dumbbell exercises, you can add a resistance band to the bodyweight exercises to make the most out of it. 

Why are your chest muscles important? 

The chest comprises two primary muscle parts, the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor. The larger of the two muscles are pectoralis major, referred to as the upper chest. Pectoralis minor is the lower part of the chest which is comparatively small and thin to that of the upper chest. 

From pushing and rotating your arm towards the center of your body to lifting your arms, these activities help you hit that chest muscle. 

Depending upon our arm movement, we will target at least one of these 2 and ideally strengthen that part. So building a solid chest will make your upper body look complete. 

Chest exercises at home without equipment

The bench press is hands down the best home workout for chest, but when we are talking about doing it at home, then what other than push-ups can replace that. The pushup is the ultimate chest exercise, and as long as you engage your core and keep those shoulders back, they work perfectly for the entire rest of your body, too. Varying the position of your body and the distance between your arms will hit unique areas of your chest, for balanced upper body strength. We will cover different variations of these killer push-ups, which will give you a chiseled upper body.

1. Regular push-ups workout.

This classic bodyweight Compound exercise is excellent to start with and a complete full-body or upper-body workout. Use a wide grip, as this will work your chest muscles more than a narrow grip, which will hit your triceps and shoulder more.

2. Incline push-ups.

If you find a standard push-up challenging, then you can start with an incline push-up. The more inclined your stance is, the less bodyweight you will need to work push. This is also an excellent exercise to target your lower chest. Keep your arms shoulder-width apart while doing this exercise.

3. Decline push-ups.

These push-ups will help you target your upper chest and shoulder muscle specifically. It will also add more of your body weight than a standard push-up. Get a chair and place your legs there and the hands on the floor. Contract the chest muscle to make this the best home workout for chest, targeting the upper part of it.

4. Diamond Push-ups.

This push-up variation hits mostly your triceps and your chest. Keep your hands close in a diamond position and remain in a regular push up position to do this exercise.

5. Burpees 

By far the best exercise on the list, Burpees are the best exercise to burn fat. The killer combination of squats and pushups with its high intensity makes it the best fat burner.

Home Chest workout with dumbbells

While bodyweight exercises are very handy, an easy way to work your muscles with minimal preps, adding a bit of extra weight in the form of dumbbells can take your home workout for chest to the next level. 

6. Dumbbell Floor chest press

Lie on the floor, holding the dumbbells in your hands. Stretch your arms over your shoulder-width apart. From this starting position, inhale and descend slowly until your elbows are parallel to the floor at a 90°angle. Then push the weights back up while exhaling to return to the starting position.

7. Dumbbell Chest fly

Chest fly targets the inner part of the chest and only a few other exercises target the same area, unfortunately, you can’t target inner chest with bodyweight exercises. Lie on the floor with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other. Extend the arms above your chest, but keep your elbows flexible at all times, do not lock your elbows). Then lower your arms on both sides in a wide arc until you feel a stretch in your chest and then bring the dumbbells back up. Keep in mind to do the movement to the level of the shoulder joint, and not at the arms and elbows.

8. Dumbbell chest crossover

Dumbell chest crossovers are a very good home workout for chest targeting the upper chest. Hold the dumbbells keeping the palm facing the top, do a front raise but bring the dumbbell closest to your chest. There is also another variation to hit the lower chest where you bring the dumbbell from top to bottom. You can also replace this exercise with chest dips using two chairs. 

Chest Workout At Home: Takeaway

By using this routine and gradually progressing, you’ll be able to effectively build bigger and broader chest at your home

Just keep in mind though guys that for the best results, you need to pair your workout routine with the right nutrition plan. That is the key and is more important than your training for packing on size. And to be honest now is a better time than ever to prioritize your nutrition and learning how and what you need to eat to maximize growth.

Though we’ve talked about the home workout for chest in this article, to become fit, it’s all about balance, so dedicate enough time exercising all kinds of muscle groups, to avoid muscular imbalances and injury.

Mix and match these exercises so you hit every part of that muscle and get a broad chest. Make sure you start with 100 pushups a day and keeping adding 10 numbers every day. Progress is the key.

Hope this article helps you to get that bigger, broader chest. Comment on the comment section in case of any doubts. Also, tell us your favorite chest exercise.

Also, read our other articles here.

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