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The word “Chocolates” is a magical spell.
Children and chocolates go together? Shan’t we term candies, a universal hypnotizer. Say, you are given an opportunity to tour the world’s best chocolate factory? Well, what if I tell you there is a chocolate that could fill cavities and prevents tooth decay? Confused/Amazed?

The Frame

Growing old and wanting to safeguard his precious inventions and possession Mr Willy Wonka, the owner of the world’s best chocolate factory sets up a hunt for his successor. He circulates 5 golden tickets all around the world hidden inside Wonka chocolate wrappers. The lucky Five would get a tour through his chocolate factory (into which no one has ever entered) and the final chosen one gets to be his heir.


Charlie is one of the five other kids who get the golden ticket to walk through the gates of the giganticus Chocolate factory. What happens inside the stupefying factory and who gets to win the heirship of the big Chocolate factory is the plot of Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the chocolate factory.

Roald Dahl -The Grandmaster

Roald Dahl was a diplomat, intelligence officer, fighter pilot, and the best children’s’ story writer. He has produced numerous beloved children’s books which are evergreen bestsellers. Charlie and the chocolate factory is one such alluring stories that take us to a creamy dreamy chocolate world. Every page slips fast like a jelly bean, and the writing itself is so prolific that every description of the wonderful chocolates and stunning ideas would make the readers have munchies. The beautiful illustrations were given by  Quentin Blake.

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The story of Charlie and the chocolate factory

The story starts with introducing Charlie Bucket’s down-and-out family with his parents and both paternal and maternal grandparents living together in a small house. His urge and love for Willy Wonka’s chocolate were seeded and watered by these four old people telling him big tales about the bygone times of the factory and willy Wonka’s savvy intelligence.Mr. Willy Wonka, as quoted by grandpa Joe(Charlie’s grandpa) is the most amazing, the most fantastic, the most extraordinary chocolate maker the world has ever seen. He is a genius and the best of the best generator of ideas. All his creations amaze the people.

Luck found Charlie and the fifth and the last golden ticket was in his hands. Charlie felt like he had conquered the world and took Grandpa Joe as his tour partner. The story gears up as they get to meet the four other ticket bearers- the greedy Austus Gloop, Veruca Salt, a girl spoiled by her parents, Violet Beauregarde, a girl who chews gums all day long, and Loafy Mike Teavee, whose eyes is stuck to the television all time.

The mysteries and the miracles of the chocolate factory unravel as the four kids do mischievous activities throughout the journey. For every misbehaviour, the kid responsible is punished and sent out. Finally Caring and Calm Charlie stays till the end and gets to stay in the chocolate factory forever and ever.

The factory fa(c)ts

So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
Go throw your TV set away,
And in its place,e you can install
A lovely bookshelf on the wall…

They are the Oompa-Loompas’. They make songs, they make chocolates and they eat Choco beans. They are the dwellers of the terrible Oompa land who came all way long to work at this factory helping Willy Wonka with his experiments. These tiny people with funny long hair sing and keep singing all day, dancing, and making fun. They are one of the every important character sketch in this story. It is through their songs Roald Dahl sprinkles moral lessons into the minds of the readers.

Did you know about the Edible garden inside the chocolate factory? They are edible. I mean you can eat everything inside it. How about an Everlasting gobstopper? The candy never turns small how much ever you lick! The fizzy lifting drink is the cream of the crop. Drinking this would transport you like a balloon taking off the ground and makes you stay up the ceiling! How about a Chewing gum that never loses taste? A chocolate waterfall which mixes, churns, pounds, beats, froths chocolate?A chocolate bar which reduces your age and gives energy?And of course, the cavity filling caramel which protects the tooth.And much more of such astonishing inventions were done by the great Willy Wonka.

You ain’t dreaming, it all exists in the chocolate factory which Charlie tours.

The persuasion:

The book is an imagination well-scripted fantasy. The spirit of the book is that you can taste the words as you read. A feast well served.
Roald Dahl built his own language, that is he created new words and gave life to it through his stories. So far he has coined 8000 such words and most of it has made through the Oxford English Dictionary and even has a separate version named The oxford Roald dahl dictionary.

Scrumdiddlyumptious right!

I kept reading the book as I wrote the review and maybe by now, my tummy is starting to growl.
Why don’t you grab a cocoa bar and sit with Charlie and the chocolate factory?

Wait, will you present me with a confectionary box if you liked the book?

Comment below and let us know!

Every book opens a new thought and so did this book;
What is destined to come to us will always find its way,
So dream! Dream as if you will live forever.

Sweet dreams!


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